Friday, January 12, 2024. Day 6


Classwork Due:

  • Spanish: No less than 2 of 5 puzzles completed in the escape room. Catch up if needed!

  • Science: Finish the lab wrap up and the Experimental design worksheet.

  • ELA: Shakespeare Tragic elements quiz today! Blooket

  • Civics: Quiz today.

Do Now:

Open the lab Can you judge a cup by its cover? located in Google Classroom

  1. read the introduction.

  2. Type your hypothesis in the space provided.


Be sure the wrap up and Experimental design Worksheet form this week are completed and turned in.

No work is due for today’s lab!

Today’s Agenda:

Can you judge a cup by its cover?

For Monday

Review Trendline equations

Assess Trendline Equation

Graphing and Wrap up

Thursday, January 11, 2024. Day 5


Classwork Due:

  • Spanish: No less than 2 of 5 puzzles completed in the escape room. Catch up if needed!

  • Science: none.

  • ELA: Shakespeare Tragic elements quiz tomorrow. Blooket

  • Civics: Edpuzzles HW, Quiz tomorrow.

Do Now:


Lab Wrap up and experimental design worksheet complete and turned in before class tomorrow.

Today’s Agenda:

Finish Graph:

Modify instructions as follows:

  1. To add the trendline

    • Open the chart editor (3 dots) and “customize.”

    • Open the “Series” menu.

    • Make sure the “type” is “linear.”

    • Open the ”Label” menu and choose “Use equation.”

  2. Double check all titles and axis labels are original/appropriate, capitalized, include units, etc.

Complete the wrap up document in GC.

circle back to the Experimental design worksheet and complete the wrap up segment in that as well.

turn everything in!!

Take the bonus math quiz!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024. Day 4


ELA: Shakespeare Tragic Elements quiz on Friday. Blooket

Classwork Due:

  • Spanish: any and all late/missing work is due NLt Friday

  • Science: BrainPOP Heat Trasnfer must be finished.

  • worksheet

  • RC Quiz in GC

  • ELA Poetry Portfolio

Do Now:

Open up your Experimental design Worksheet completed Monday

Complete this poll based on the answers you put in the worksheet.



Today’s Agenda:

Review of Do Now Results

correct Experimental design worksheet as needed

  • Do Not Submit Please!

Complete the Wrap Up and Graphing assignment in GC

  • we will have tomorrow to work on it as well!

Tuesday, January 9, 2024. Day 3

Instructor Notes:

Prepare materials for JS lab to go to office.


Classwork Due:

  • Spanish:

  • Science: Experimental Design Worksheet completed through the Lab Reflection/Wrap-up

  • ELA

  • MAth

  • Sci-tech

  • Civics:

Do Now:



Today’s Agenda:

Lab: How do covers affect heat loss from a cup?

Review general procedure.

Assign Lab teams

Lab: collect data

Clean Up

Trade data with partner team

Review/finish Experimental design Planner

Monday, January 8, 2024. Day 2


Today’s Schedule

HR: 10:10 - 10:38

P1 1:38-11:06 (28)

P2: 11:06-11:34 (28)

P3: 11:35-11:55 (20)

Lunch: 11:55 - 12:25

p4: 12:25 - 1:05 (40)

p5: 1:05 - 1:40 (35)

p6: 1:40 - 2:15 (35)

p7: 2:15 - 2:50 (35)

Classwork Due:

  • Spanish:

    • Kami Packet - culture of Mexican Food p5-8 (GC)

    • Shorticles

    • Er/Ir Verb Notes Guide and Wksht GC)

    • er/ir verbs Boom cards

  • Science: None

  • Civics:

  • ELA:

  • Math:

Do Now:


Complete the Pre-lab Experimental Design Worksheet for tomorrow.

Today’s Agenda:

Lab: How do Covers Affect Heat Loss from a Cup?

  1. Review Experimental design:

    • Research Question

    • Hypothesis

    • Independent variable

    • Dependent Variable

    • Controlled Variables

  2. Read Experiment (as a class)

  3. Complete the Experimental Design Worksheet.

Friday, January 5, 2024. Day 1

Happy New Year!


Classwork Due:

  • Spanish: any and all late/missing work is due NLt Friday

  • Science: BrainPOP Heat Trasnfer must be finished.

  • worksheet

  • RC Quiz in GC

  • ELA Poetry Portfolio

Do Now:



Shovel Snow - lots of it!

FLIPBOOK PROJECT - now overdue

Today’s Agenda:

Did you finish BrainPOP Heat Transfers?

  • Complete the worksheet

  • Take the quiz in GC

  • Turn in the worksheet for a check by me.

Diagramming Heat Transfer Examples.

  1. Self select team - 3 people max.

  2. Propose an example for my approval or use on the ones below.

  3. Sketch the example on an overhead Transparency.

  4. Identify and label where heat transfer is occurring in the example.

    • convection

    • conduction

    • radiation (infrared and/or visible light)

  5. Be prepared to present your example to the class explaining each transfer.

  6. Class presentations and discussion

Possible examples:

Steaming Cup of Coffee On a Counter

Stir-fry Vegetables

Walking On a Hot Sunny Beach

pot of water boiling on a stove

pot of water boiling on a stove

Toast Burning in a Hot Toaster


Electric Space Heater

Thursday, January 4, 2024. Day 6

Happy New Year!


Classwork Due:

  • Spanish: any and all late/missing work is due NLt Friday

  • Science: James Webb Space Telescope article due

Quiz Re-take study Guide

Do Now:

  1. complete the “Do NOw” assigned in Google Classroom.


FLIPBOOK PROJECT - now overdue

Today’s Agenda:

Complete the Gizmo “quiz” below the sim.

  • This will not be scored but I will use it ot assess you elearning and guide future activties.

James webb Space Telescope COmprehension Check

BrainPOP Heat Transfer

Watch the BrainPOP Heat Transfer Movie in Clever as assigned.

Complete the Q & A Wksht

Take the rC quiz in GC

Friday - diagramming heat transfer examples.

overhead sheets and pens


steaming cup of coffee sitting on a counter

Tofu frying in a hot pan

sun heating a sandy beach.

pot of water boiling on a stove

Wednesday, January 3, 2024. Day 5

Happy New Year!


JC and AB to SP

Classwork Due:

  • Spanish: any and all late/missing work is due NLt Friday

Quiz Re-take study Guide

Do Now:

  1. complete the “Do NOw” assigned in Google Classroom.


  1. James webb Space telescope due tomorrow.


Today’s Agenda:

Review the Do Now answer key

Review the Gizmo: Radiation assignment

  • Is all light visible?

  • What is light made of?

  • What kinds of light carry the most thermal energy?

  • What is the average temperature of earth?

  • What kind of light is responsible for global heating?

Complete the Gizmo “quiz” below the sim.

  • This will not be scored but I will use it ot assess you elearning and guide future activties.

Assign James webb Space Telescope.

  • Due tomorrow before school begins.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024. Day 4

Happy New Year!


Classwork Due:

  • Spanish: any and all late/missing work is due NLt Friday

Do Now:

  1. Please ready your chrome book


  1. Thermal COnductivity Lab was due before vacation

    • NLT Thursday Dec. 21

    • please be sure you complete dhtis and turned it in.



Today’s Agenda:

Join Gizmo - check who is in/out and clean it up.

Assign gizmo: Radiation

  • All students to work on completing the Gizmo Radiation activity

Thursday , December 21, 2023. Day 3


Classwork Due:

  • Spanish: any and all late/missing work is due NLt Friday

Do Now:

  1. Please get ready for the quiz


  1. Thermal COnductivity Lab due

    • NLT Thursday at 3PM.



Today’s Agenda:

Quiz: Thermal Energy Transfers

  • Find the link in GC and take the quiz!

Time to finish the lab or extra help

Done early???

Go to Clever and complete the brainPOP Solstice and Equinox Assignment

You can take a paper quiz for additional credit to improve your grade.