Tuesday, September 19, 2023. Day 6



BayPath Visit Tomorrow




  • ELA - None

  • Civics - Quiz Wednesday

  • Spanish

  • SciTech - Vocabulary quiz tomorrow. Ecosystem Argument Wednesday.

  • Science - Study Guide due.

Do Now:

  1. please get a copy of the Grade 8 Text (Cranberries) off the shelf.

  2. McGraw Hill Gr8 Ch11 Foundations of Chemistry


  1. Chapter Outline through Compounds (page 382) due Wednesday.

    • Remainder of chapter due Friday


Today’s Agenda:

  1. Collect SINKERS AND FLOATERS - extra credit



  3. Chapter Outlining - Read Assignment CR Classifying Matter Chapter Outline

  4. First glance

  5. Model Section

    • Read as class

      • main idea

      • supporting details

      • vocabulary

  6. Around the world format - Practice Section

    • Read as in group

      1. main idea

      2. supporting details

      3. vocabulary

    • Share Out

  7. Work Norms

    • Take turns reading

    • Listen carefully

    • discuss and agree on Main idea

    • List facts

    • define vocab

    • Repeat - new reader

Print Make-up

Monday, September 18, 2023. Day 6

Read chap - outline or questions

Displacement Wrap up

Notes and discussion - chapt

Basic Structure of Matter


molecule and atom labs?


Flag captains: Schedule Check

SEL Today

Recycling team -last call for applications

SSR today

Homework Check:

  • ELA - None

  • Civics - Quiz Wednesday

  • Spanish — Worksheet, activities A-D due today

  • SciTech - Vocabulary quiz tomorrow. Ecosystem Argument Wednesday.

  • Science - Study Guide due.

SEL Circle Time Tomorrow

  • What do you look forward to most this year.

  • What are you most anxious about this year.

Do Now:

  1. Please get out your study guide


  1. Spreadhseet activity due Midnight Tonight

  2. Quiz Next Thursday - All concepts, vocabulary, and calculations covered in your chemistry notes through today.

  3. Study Guide Handed Out in Class due Today

Today’s Agenda:

  1. Check and go over study guide

    • Quiz Thursday

  2. Assistance with Wrap Up activity - Displacement Lab

  3. Overflow activity Sinkers and Floaters

  4. Pass back and review Displacement/Density Practice

    • WIN Assistance

Print Make-up

Friday, September 15, 2023. Day 5


Flag captains: Schedule Check

SEL Today

Recycling team -last call for applications

SSR today

Homework Check:

  • ELA -

  • Civics -

  • Spanish —AR verb worksheet and EdPuzzle due today

  • SciTech -

  • Science -

SEL Circle Time Tomorrow

  • What do you look forward to most this year.

  • What are you most anxious about this year.

Do Now:

  1. Open your Chromebooks to The Real Displacement Lab

  2. get out your FDSS calculation worksheets for volume and density from yesterday.


  1. Spreadhseet activity due…?

  2. Quiz Next Thursday - All concepts, vocabulary, and calculations covered in your chemistry notes through today.

  3. Study Guide Handed Out in Class due Monday

Today’s Agenda:

  1. Collect FDSS Calculation Worksheets

  2. follow along with me while I show you how to program your spreadsheet data table to calculate density.

  3. Get together with your group. Compare and make sure you all calculated the same density for each station.

  4. Post class data on the board.

  5. write your 2-3 measurements of density for each material in the space provided on the whiteboard.

  6. Proceed with the Wrap-up Activity assigned in google Classroom.

Print Make-up

Thursday, September 14, 2023. Day 4

Cailin Neagoe 4:40p


Flag captains: Schedule Check

SEL Today

Class Flag Construction

WIN/Homework/Study Thursday

SSR Wed. and Fri.

Homework Check:

  • ELA - Literary Term Quiz Today. Blooket

  • Civics - Vocab Quiz Thursday

  • Spanish -Vocab quiz and spelling counts!

    • you need to know the correct definite article too! (el, la, los, las)

  • SciTech -

  • Science -

Booster FLAG - Class Name

Wally Wonka and the Oompa Loompas!

SEL Circle Time Tomorrow

  • What do you look forward to most this year.

  • What are you most anxious about this year.

Do Now:

  1. Open your Chromebooks to The Real Displacement Lab

  2. get out your FDSS calculation worksheets for volume and density from yesterday.



Today’s Agenda:

  1. Collect FDSS Calculation Worksheets

  2. follow along with me while I show you how to program your spreadsheet data table to calculate density.

  3. Get together with your group. Compare and make sue you all calculated the same density for each station.

  4. Post class data on the board.

  5. write your 2-3 measurements of density for each material in the space provided on the whiteboard.

  6. Proceed with the Wrap-up Activity assigned in google Classroom.

Print Make-up

Wednesday, September 13, 2023. Day 3


Flag captains: Schedule Check

SEL Today

Class Flag Construction

WIN/Homework/Study Thursday

SSR Wed. and Fri.

Homework Check:

  • ELA - Literary Term Quiz Today. Blooket

  • Civics - Vocab Quiz Thursday

  • Spanish -Vocab quiz and spelling counts!

    • you need to know the correct definite article too! (el, la, los, las)

  • SciTech -

  • Science -

Booster FLAG - Class Name

Wally Wonka and the Oompa Loompas!

SEL Circle Time Tomorrow

  • What do you look forward to most this year.

  • What are you most anxious about this year.

Do Now:

Open your Chromebooks to The Real Displacement Lab



Today’s Agenda:

Displacement Lab Protocol

  1. Lab Teams and Measurement in Lab

    • Record data on chrome book in GC.

    • Listen to and follow all instructions.

    • Calm, professional behavior is expected.

  2. Finish Lab Measurement

  3. Submit calculations of volume and density for one station in FDSS format

  4. Program Spreadsheet

  5. Post class data

Monday, September 11, 2023. Day 2

Homeroom: Flag Design!!

Pass back quiz

Displacement Lab with density


Flag captains: Half Staff Today

WIN/Homework/Study today and Thursday

SEL Tomorrow

SSR Wed. and Fri.

Homework Check:

  • ELA - Literary Term Quiz Wednesday. Blooket

  • Civics - Vocab Quiz Thursday

  • Spanish -SKIT Today - lines MEMORIZED!

  • SciTech -

  • Science - AZEK Graded - if you did not complete/turn in work you received an appropriate grade. Fix this morning.

Booster FLAG - Class Name

Wally Wonka and the Oompa Loompas!

SEL Circle Time Tomorrow

  • What do you look forward to most this year.

  • What are you most anxious about this year.

Do Now:

Open your Chromebooks to your notes.



Today’s Agenda:

Pass back and go over quiz.

  1. AZEK Update

  2. Displacement Lab

  3. Review Class Notes: Finding Volume with Displacement Sept. 8, 2023

  4. Displacement Lab Protocol

  5. Lab Teams and Measurement in Lab

    • Record data on chrome book in GC.

    • Listen to and follow all instructions.

    • Calm, professional behavior is expected.

Friday, September 8, 2023 Day 1


Sinkers and Floaters


Flag captains check-in: progress on team formation

Recycling Team Meeting

SSR today.

Homework Check:

  • ELA -

  • Civics -

  • Spanish - Ed Puzzle and “reasons to Learn Spanish” due in class today.

  • SciTech -

  • Science - Is it AZEK? due midnight.

Booster Prizes


SEL Circle Time

  • What do you look forward to most this year.

  • What are you most anxious about this year.

Do Now:

Community Service - Movie Nite Friday 6-8:30


Is it AZEK? due Friday by midnight.

Today’s Agenda:

Is it AZEK do midnight tonight.

Movie Night Volunteers - see me if an extra day is needed.

Class Notes: Finding Volume with Displacement Sept. 8, 2023

  1. Displacement - a method of determining volume by measuring the amount of fluid displaced (moved out of place) when the object is submerged in it.

    • Used of objects that have irregular shape and cannot be calculated using geometric formulas.

    • Calculated: Vobject = Vfinal - Vinitial

      • Vo = Vf - Vi

  2. Lab Method

    • Start with a graduated cylinder.

    • Fill it with enough water to cover the object

      • do not put the object in yet!

    • measure the volume of water very carefully

    • put in the object

    • remeasure the volume of the water and the object.

    • calculate in FDSS format using the formula above.

POP Quiz - open notes

Lab Exploration - displacement

Due tonight:

  1. When finished, research this link from AZEK - I think this is probably the manufacturer of the PVC trim board these samples were cut from because Home Depot sells it and I bought the board at Home Depot. Prepare a report that:

    1. summarizes the results of your density measurements of the white blocks.

      • Do this in a table with 2 columns and five rows. The columns should be titled for the sample number and its calculated density. Use the bottom row for the average density of all three samples.

    2. State the density specification for AZEK PVC Trim including proper units.

    3. Discuss whether your results are close enough to the specification for AZEK to confirm our samples are made of that material.

    4. Identify two other properties of AZEK (from its data table) and discuss why each property might be important to a builder that was considering AZEK trim for their construction business.

    5. Speculate - Why might a builder choose AZEK (PVC Plastic) trim instead of traditional wood?

    Prepare your report in Google Classroom.

    Be sure it has a proper heading and appropriate title at the top.

    Write in complete sentences and thoughts.

    Submit it NLT Friday at Midnight.

Thursday, September 7, 2023. Day 6

Ware Rvr Meeting 4:30


Flag Team - Vito and Drew - see me please

Recycling Team

SSR today.

Homework Check:

  • ELA - summer reading projects due, Lit Term Quiz next Tues., Questions in Amplify Journals

  • Civics - Chrome Books Charges and ready.

  • Spanish - Guest Teacher - be super nice!

  • SciTech -

  • Science - Is it AZEK? due Friday afternoon.

Booster Prizes

Do Now:

Community Service - Movie Nite Friday 6-8:30


Is it AZEK? due Friday by midnight.

Today’s Agenda:

  1. When finished, research this link from AZEK - I think this is probably the manufacturer of the PVC trim board these samples were cut from because Home Depot sells it and I bought the board at Home Depot. Prepare a report that:

    1. summarizes the results of your density measurements of the white blocks.

      • Do this in a table with 2 columns and five rows. The columns should be titled for the sample number and its calculated density. Use the bottom row for the average density of all three samples.

    2. State the density specification for AZEK PVC Trim including proper units.

    3. Discuss whether your results are close enough to the specification for AZEK to confirm our samples are made of that material.

    4. Identify two other properties of AZEK (from its data table) and discuss why each property might be important to a builder that was considering AZEK trim for their construction business.

    5. Speculate - Why might a builder choose AZEK (PVC Plastic) trim instead of traditional wood?

    Prepare your report in Google Classroom.

    Be sure it has a proper heading and appropriate title at the top.

    Write in complete sentences and thoughts.

    Submit it NLT Friday at Midnight.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023. Day 5


Flag Team - Vito and Drew - see me please

Recycling Team

SSR today.

Homework Check:

  • ELA - summer Projects, Lit Term Quiz nxt Tues.

  • Civics - Columbus to the Colonies

  • Spanish - Emilia Prefiere Mirar Betflix

  • SciTech - Read L1 and Vocab

  • Science - Density Problems Due

Booster Prizes

Do Now:

Please get out your density HW.

Raise you hand to volunteer to post a solution on the board.


Today’s Agenda:

Grades in for 1st two assignments - email and notes

Please make up missing work ASAP - see board

Review Density Problems

Lab Practice

  1. Return to Lab Station - complete three different samples

  2. See me when finished for debrief.

  3. As team:

    • measure length, width, height and calculate volume of block.

    • Measure Mass - calculate density of block

    • return block and repeat with a new sample.

  4. When finished, research this link from AZEK - I think this is probably the manufacturer of the PVC trim board these samples were cut from because Home Depot sells it and I bought the board at Home Depot. Prepare a report that:

    1. summarizes the results of your density measurements of the white blocks.

      • Do this in a table with 2 columns and five rows. The columns should be titled for the sample number and its calculated density. Use the bottom row for the average density of all three samples.

    2. State the density specification for AZEK PVC Trim including proper units.

    3. Discuss whether your results are close enough to the specification for AZEK to confirm our samples are made of that material.

    4. Identify two other properties of AZEK (from its data table) and discuss why each property might be important to a builder that was considering AZEK trim for their construction business.

    5. Speculate - Why might a builder choose AZEK (PVC Plastic) trim instead of traditional wood?

    Prepare your report in Google Classroom.

    Be sure it has a proper heading and appropriate title at the top.

    Write in complete sentences and thoughts.

    Submit it NLT Friday at Midnight.